You have probably heard all the nonsense about the Dems reaching agreement on some massive socialist spending bill. That’s just not true and as far as I know, nothing was voted on much less passed. Magoo needed something before he went to Europe so he wouldn’t look as feckless as he is and since he couldn’t get it passed, he came out with the announcement that they had agreed on a framework. That is totally and completely irrelevant. It’s not a law and even though it’s a 1600 page “outline”, it’s meaningless and it’s not even clear that he has any agreement at all. People this is just a face saving smoke and mirrors fraud by Magoo. And heaven help us if this crap ever actually made it into law, it would undoubtedly be more than 5000 pages written by lobbyists and special interests.

The good news is that since they didn’t get it done, it’s probably not going to get done. Little is going to happen until next year with elections and holidays coming up. And the elections on Tuesday are incredibly important. If McAuliffe loses in Virginia it will scare the shit out of a significant number of Dems who will fear losing the seats in the next election and back away from the socialist wing of their party and given the senate is split equally and the Dems only have a three or four seat majority in the house they won’t have the votes to destroy our country.

And in a best case scenario, Murphy loses the governorship in New Jersey, and the Dems will be jumping ship. I don’t believe Pelosi would even run for re-election under that scenario. Sure she would win in a district that is at least 80% Dems, but she has no desire to play the minority position in what would be solidly Republican — probably by 20+ seats and it’s not clear that she could even retain top Dem position in the house.

Now why is Murphy potentially in trouble? Because a tape or video recently surfaced where his staff said that he would definitely impose vaccine mandates if re-elected but didn’t want to announce or admit it until after the election because people might object. His opponent is gaining fast.

Let’s just hope both of these frauds lose and then we can enjoy the implosion of the Dems.