First, Obama and the bride of chucky. It came out today that even Obama said you can’t have a nation without having borders. Open borders were not an option. Even he’s bright enough to know that. Then the Bride of Chucky, henceforth on this site to be called BOC because she might be more stupid than AOC, was asked about Obama’s statement and she said that we don’t have open borders. She’s a pathological liar who will say any bullshit to try to protect her brain dead boss. I would love for someone to follow up a question with another question asking are you an idiot or a liar? And given either option, why don’t you resign instead of continuing to lie to the American people? They would probably be banned from the bogus White House press Corp, but it would be a major story, and more importantly the American people already know she and Biden are pathological liars. His poll numbers are sinking faster than the Lusitania!

Next, today on the Hill, Biden’s military leaders threw him under the bus. They all testified that their recommendation was to keep 2500 troops in Afghanistan to maintain the status quo and assure the safe exit of Americans and our Afghan helpers. Biden had told Stephanopoulos that he never got any such recommendations that he could recall, and maybe in his brain dead state, it’s true. He probably can’t remember what he had for breakfast. However, that’s no excuse for his puppeteers. Apparently, there is a memo sent to him by his military advisors stating that he should keep troops in Afghanistan and it will apparently be coming out in the near future. Good luck BOC in spinning that one.

I could also comment on general milley’s contradicting himself on whether his role was to make decisions or just a conduit for following the president’s decisions, but Bongino did an excellent job in pointing out the hypocrisy!