I don’t know if you saw it but I believe the evidence out of the UK and Israel, but it appears that approximately 75% of deaths from Covid are in fully vaccinated people and only 25% are in people who are unvaccinated. This should make you seriously question the efficacy of the vaccines, and as pointed out on one show today, and as I mentioned previously, these shots should be called shots and not vaccinations. The annual flu shots are called just that because they are not vaccines. Polio and measles etc vaccines are vaccines because once you get them you are immune. Not so with the Covid ‘vaccines’. It now appears that they are no more effective than flu shots.

And another thing that has come out is that like all the other numbers being put out about Covid the hospitalization numbers are totally inflated. According to information in maybe the NYT, or maybe Politico, I don’t remember which and am too lazy to look it up, but 45% of people being called Covid admissions are actually people who have no symptoms or very little illness who are in the hospital for other reasons. If you are going into the hospital for a knee replacement and as a matter of course you are tested and get a positive result even though you have no symptoms, it’s reported as a Covid hospitalization.

As I have been saying forever, you can’t trust the numbers coming out of Washington. They are propaganda to let the left destroy your constitutional rights and let them exert unconstitutional power they don’t have. They want power over every aspect of our lives and will do and lie about anything to get it.