I unfortunately watched Biden’s speech today. It was a bunch of lies as is always the case with brain dead Joe but also regurgitated talking points from Biden’s stump speech during his ‘campaign’. It was a total disaster and again failed to explain why he withdrew our forces and surrendered Bagram and billions in our state of the art weapons. He took no questions because he doesn’t know where he is.

Once again please explain why Biden thinks he created jobs. He has done nothing to stimulate the economy and is only surfing on rebound that is occurring from opening up our economy after the artificial depression caused by the unnecessary shutdown of Trump’s economic juggernaut. Biden talked about the economy he inherited as if it was Trump’s policies that caused the problem. Nothing can further from the truth. Trump had the economy roaring and then Dems shut it down over Covid. This was an intentional depression and all anyone needed to do was open up things again.

I support impeaching Biden but Kamala will probably be even worse. She’s a cackling idiot!

BTW Biden spent most of his time trying to pump up the left’s attempt to destroy the sanctity of the ballot in favor of open and outright fraud.