First let me say I agree with Trump that we should have left Afghanistan years ago. We have no business there other than retaliation for 9/11. And we did that twenty years ago. Bush as all the Bushes was an idiot with his desire to nation build. As I have said before, the entire Middle East is a collection of warring tribes that have been at war with each other for hundreds and in some cases thousands of years. It’s like taking the Cherokee and the Apache and the Iroquois and the Arapaho and the Seminole and the Mayans and the Eskimos and telling them they are a single nation. Not true and never going to happen. And W knew this but was only interested in enriching his allies in the military/industrial complex at the cost of the lives of our children and the transfer of our tax dollars.

Now let’s talk about the difference between Trump and Biden and their respective respect in the international community. Biden is and always has been a minimally intelligent bloviating idiot. He’s a C- student at best and as has pointed out repeatedly has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for decades. The world sees him as a weak pussy who can be ignored. North Korea, China, Russia and Iran all know he’s a senile imbecile who has no idea what he’s doing and they have nothing to fear from him. In fact at least Russia and China have compromising information on the Biden crime family and so ignore and demean him.


So first let me say that Trump would never have done what Biden did. Today he in fact said so. He would have left Afghanistan but he would have done it strategically. He would have evacuated American diplomats and civilians and Afghan people who were translators or otherwise US assets before he evacuated our military. Biden did the opposite and left our people at the mercy of the Taliban. Trump would have never abandoned Bagram and left state of the art drones, weapons and vehicles behind to equip the Taliban with 22nd century weapons. Biden did. Trump would have made clear to the Taliban that any offensive against our citizens or military during the evacuation would be met with overwhelming retaliation and destruction of their forces and they would have believed him because they knew he meant it. Biden’s please let us get out without opposition was met with laughter and contempt. Nobody from the Taliban to North Korea to Iran and China and Russia has any respect for this incompetent idiot or whoever is pulling his strings at the moment.

So why did Biden do it. Well first let’s remember in spite of claiming the opposite, he is a complete idiot on foreign policy. But more importantly, people like Bongino have been wondering if Biden got bad advice or ignored the advice he got. From what I’ve seen, he ignored the advice he got because he wanted to get out irrespective of whether or not people die because of his decision. He doesn’t care!

So here’s my take on why he did what he did other than the fact there’s a village somewhere missing its idiot! Biden has been a disaster during his presidency. From increasing gas prices and inflation to Covid-19 to the disaster at our southern border everything he has touched turned to shit. So he wanted to divert attention from his incompetence and claim he did something Trump couldn’t do. Don’t forget that Trump only didn’t do it because his traitorous military and foreign policy swamp blocked him at every turn

So Biden thought he could just do it and claim victory , consequences be damned! Fortunately it backfired and even the lamestream media are calling him out. His speech today will undoubtedly be ridiculed by all because he didn’t address his disastrous lack of planning for an orderly withdrawal. Instead he ignored reality and focused entirely on why we needed to get out. Most people agree that we needed to get out. The question is why didn’t he do it in a responsible manner? My answer is that he wanted to claim a foreign policy coup that Trump didn’t to distract from the debacle that is his, or whoever’s pulling his strings, presidency..