I know that they are calling it the delta variant because of political correctness, but it’s the India variant. Now I probably should have ranted about this last week when I saw the article I’m going to talk about but mistakenly I thought that everyone would agree. Now the article I saw and can’t post now because it was several days ago stated that Covid just like every other virus becomes more transmissible but less serious as it goes through variants. According to the article, the delta variant is much less lethal than earlier variants.

The reason for this rant is that the msm and the CDC and the WHO and the NIH and Fauci et al are claiming that it’s much more serious than earlier variants and the politicians are using it to continue their fascist power grab. People don’t trust anything that the msm tells you. Do your own research!

BTW they are using this to push booster shots. Follow the money. I fail to see how a vaccine that was not created for the variant is supposed to be more effective than natural immunity for those who had and recovered from Covid.

Just had a medical professional confirm what I said on Ingraham.