Finally, it debuted today in Rush’s old time slot and it was terrific! He started off with the requisite homage to Rush which he truly meant and said he could never fill his shoes but wasn’t trying to. He pledged to bring three hours a day of hard hitting and factually backed up insights and to hold the left stream media’s feet to the fire everyday, and then he did. It was terrific!

My prediction is that there is now a terrific alternative to the continued surfing on the best of rush, the best of rush will fade away in a year or sooner.

Now you may ask where you can hear it. Fox Nation is apparently carrying it. I have an app on my iPhone called conservative talk radio. It has all the big shows but not Bongino yet. However, last week when I was listening to Chris Plante, Bongino came on and said his show would be starting today on 980 the WAAV out of Wilmington NC where Plante was coming from and scrolling down through all the shows at the bottom there is a list of ten or so stations, not programs and WAAV was one which is great because the two shows I will be listening to are Plante and Bongino and they are both on back to back. TC you can probably get it on your local radio.

BTW, bongino’s first guest was Trump!