Yes I’m still alive and I haven’t ranted recently because as I have said I prefer to only rant when I think I might have something to bring to the discussion. And nothing really new has happened recently. The sos is still going on.

Biden is still screwing up the border and like Obama 3.0 blaming all his failures on Trump. And AOC and her ignorant squad are objecting to illegal alien gang members from being deported because it’s racist.

Yes the Dems still hate Israel, including self hating Jews. And AOC and her ignorant squad are still blatantly anti-Semitic and nobody calls them out on it.

Yes the narcissistic, media whore Fauci continues to lie about everything concerning the whu flu but that should be no surprise, he lied about everything concerning aids.

Yes, Biden and Psaki have continued to do their best sergeant Schulz impression regarding the hack of the Colonial pipeline pretending it’s not a federal issue. Simultaneously Biden’s secretary of energy said pipelines are the best way of transporting oil and gas. But supported the cancellation of the XL pipeline.

So everything is pretty much the same and I will comment on something when something new and or surprising occurs.