This was originally going to be two quickies but I forgot what the second one was so this is all I got today.

AOC has had a stupid, goes without saying, brilliant Idea. She is proposing that we create a 1.5 million people climate change “army” (my word not hers) to help implement the green stupid deal. The reason this is brilliant is because it would allow Biden to claim he created that many new jobs and more importantly it would create employment for 1.5 million transgender cisgender ignorant people of color who graduated college with degrees that are completely useless.

Now I just remembered my second subject. The Dems are scared to death that the so-called Big Lie is in danger of being proven true. The Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that the voting laws were illegally changed and the election was therefore unconstitutional. Of course that was too late and didn’t result in actually any determination of how many illegal votes were counted.

That’s why they are losing their minds over the audit of the votes in Maricopa County Arizona. Actual ballots are being audited and a real result will come out. They are so scared that the truth will come out that today Biden’s DOJ has gotten involved and are claiming that the audit may violate federal voting laws because it could intimidate voters. (Too bad Trump never had a DOJ like that.). They are trying to stop it if they can because they know Trump won Arizona if only legitimate votes are counted.