I was truly amazed that the left totally exposed itself over the shooting of an armed black female attacking another unarmed black female with a knife. They didn’t even pretend to be concerned with the facts. They just wanted to vilify another white cop who in this case saved a black girl from certain death.

They have totally failed open with their total lack of concern for the unarmed black teen who was about to be stabbed by a much larger, heavier armed black teenager. This put them in the place to have to reveal what really mattered to them and they did. They don’t care about black lives as long as they can spread some bs about white cops.

The left stream media has gone off the rails trying to sell the narrative that teenage knife fights are part and parcel of growing up and the police should just let them kill each other. First, this is not typical of high school and if it is in your neighborhood than you have a serious problem caused by poor parenting or the complete lack there of. And a total failure of our public school system, which goes without saying due to the socialist teacher union takeover of schools.

Second in spite of idiots like Juan Williams trying to pretend this was a knife fight, as Jesse Watters pointed out yesterday, this wasn’t a knife fight. Only one person was armed and she was about to kill the other person who was unarmed.

Now I want to discuss my perspective of what really happened. Unlike Juan and special needs Joy Behar, I am truly amazed that the officer was able to stop the killing of the black girl! Enough of the bullshit about firing a warning shot or shooting her in the ass or leg, I can’t believe that the officer was able to stop what was going to be a murder. Thank god he was was a former military sharpshooter. But even given that, I still can’t believe he did it. From my perspective, the assassin was less than a second away from stabbing her target and I don’t know how he stopped it. I would have thought that the assassin’s weight would have caused her to have at least have stabbed her victim.

Lastly I want to call out the nonsense from some on the left that the officer came out of his car with guns a blazing. Watch the video. He got out of the car with his pistol holstered but his hand on it which I am sure was standard procedure. He tried to assess the situation when the assassin attacked one person who then was kicked by a black male and then she went after the other victim and he yelled for her to cease and she persisted and left him with no choice. BLM and the rest of the left has no real concern for black lives. This was black on black crime and they were perfectly happy with it until a white cop stopped it.

I would comment on LeBron James but he’s even more special needs than Behar and shills for China and their slavery and genocide because it gives more money for his sneakers. People this guy didn’t even legitimately graduate from high school. He should heed Laura Ingram’s advice and shut up and dribble. He’s dumb as a stump. What makes anyone with half a brain think that a person with minimal IQ is someone who should shape policy.