Ok just so you know I have a Juris Doctor degree and so can claim to be as much as a doctor as Jill Biden, but really that’s not true. My claim is much more valid than hers. I will explain later how that came to be.

The reason for this rant is that the WSJ published an article questioning Jill Biden’s insistence that she be called Dr. Biden. I apologize for not being able to find and link to an article I saw today exposing the fallacy of her claim. The left went crazy of course. But consider this, she doesn’t have even a a Ph. D, she has a doctorate in education. I think it’s an ED.D. It may actually be denominated something else but it’s not a Ph.D much less a medical degree.

The article creditably said that her degree was at best the equivalent of an MBA . I disagree. Her doctorate is not even the equivalent of a bachelors degree in any of the sciences or engineering. BYW I have a MBA and an BS in Chemical Engineering and so am uniquely qualified to opine and so I will. Based on my experience and knowledge a doctorate in education is basically the equivalent of a high school diploma with a little bit of college casework. I know of at least one, quite frankly idiot, who teaches second grade and needs to study to keep ahead of her students and she has a masters degree in education.

Now so you know the basis for my opinion let me tell you about my first wife’s aunt. She has a doctorate in education in this state. When we visited, and at that point I already had my law degree, her husband was waxing about her brilliance and she shut him down. She wanted no part in a discussion of who had the real academic credentials. She knew that her degrees were not at the level of mine.

Now for what I talked about earlier, the reason I have a doctorate is because after WWII the law schools got together and decided to change a law degree from a Bachelors of law to a Juris Doctor because the federal government was considering a medical doctor degree as a doctorate but a law degree as the equivalent of a bachelors degree in the humanities.

Jill give it up. You are only minimally brighter than your brain dead husband.