Monthly Archives: September 2020


As I’m sure you know last Thursday the Atlantic posted a bogus article, supported by unnamed anonymous sources, claiming that two years ago Trump cancelled a trip to a cemetery in France containing the graves of WWI American soldiers because he didn’t want to get his hair wet and they were losers. It was easily debunked by Friday, with even John Bolton, a Trump hater, saying he didn’t hear it and he was there. And documentary evidence that the helicopter flight was canceled due to rain and fog was produced. The anonymous sources said they wouldn’t come into the light because they were afraid of the Twitter mob.

However on Watters World, Jesse had a photo of Trump the following day at a different cemetery in the rain carrying an umbrella. So it was completely debunked.

So what does this have to do with the subject of this rant you ask? During the entire weekend including all last night on the Fox News channel the chyron on the bottom kept up the hoax claiming Jennifer Griffin had talked two of the still anonymous sources and they confirmed it. They also continuously ran old news about Trump’s remarks about John McCain four years ago. The network, aside from its prime time lineup of Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Watters, Pirro, Gutfeld, Levin and Steve Hilton who are the only reason people still watch Fox and bring in the big bucks, continues it’s leftward slide. BTW I heard Joe DiGenova on the Howie Carr show speculate that since the supposed sources are clearly people who were not there that his money is on Eric Ciaramella, the non whistleblower whistleblower and his sidekick Vindman.


I wasn’t going to deal with this because I thought it would be all over the news, particularly on Fox, but I haven’t seen it anywhere even in the conservative sources I read everyday. So I will.

On Thursday when Biden went to Kenosha to try to counter Trump’s trip, and at one point in his brief meeting at a Black church, he was talking about how poor our criminal justice system is to a group of about 8 black folks. And he said that when people get out of prison, “and you all know this,” that they are given $25 and a bus ticket.

Consider what he said. You black folks know what you get when you get out of prison. That’s pretty close to saying all blacks have been criminals. If Trump had said that, the msm would be calling him a racist but for some reason even the supposed right is ignoring it.


I saw today that the restaurants in NYC filed a $2 billion class action against Cuomo and de Blasio. And they are suing under the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment. You will recall that I have been begging for this for months. It should be a slam dunk but I believe it was filed in a state court and so there’s no telling how politics will play out. I would have preferred they filed in federal court under diversity jurisdiction as I laid out several months ago.


I have loved for many years watching the open at this time of the year. For many years it was when my family was at the beach and I could watch at night when frequently the night match went late into the night. Think Jimmy Connors and others. I was extremely happy today to see when I was at Popeyes to see that the Open was actually going on live. Thank god we get real sports without BLM or other socialist nonsense. I will not watch the NBA and ignorant Lebron who is a China puppet. Nor will I watch the NFL because they are not sports but socialist advocates.

The unfortunate thing for professional sports is that we have not have them for so long because of the bogus whu flu nonsense that I now don’t miss it.