I should have ranted earlier but it is what it is. Anyway, Obama is not nor has he ever been a brilliant orator. He is an entitled narcissistic charlatan who has always condescended to all of us who don’t think he’s the brightest person to ever walk the earth. He’s obnoxious and getting really desperate because Trump in three years totally destroyed his ‘legacy’ and exposed his incompetence. Obama is not a genius. I am sure that most of you are clearly smarter than he is and I know I am. Listen, I saw that he got into Harvard law school with grades that put him in the bottom 10% of the class because he supposedly scored great on the LSAT. Consider that! His grades weren’t anything other than mediocre but somehow he just aced the entrance exam. And remember that he has never released his transcripts. He was the Manchurian candidate of Soros. He should just shut up and enjoy the multimillionaire he has become on his’fame’. He will go down as one of the most corrupt and incompetent presidents ever.