Now you know I don’t normally engage in conspiracy theories, but I have to say that the recent reporting on the alleged spiking of Wuhan flu cases is bogus.

We have learned that 300 testing sites in Florida reported that they tested 100% positive tests. Now when they were questioned about it, it turned out that the actual rate was somewhere between 6 and 9 percent. Also we learned that a guy who died in a motorcycle accident was listed as a whu flu death because his corpse tested positive. I have already told you about people who died from gunshot wounds were counted as whu flu deaths because their corpses tested positive. And as I have previously reported, hospitals are paid more if they code a death as whu flu than the real cause of death.

Now let’s consider what’s really going on. The country started reopening and jobs and the economy went way up and the left couldn’t stand it. The Dems and the media started freaking out and all of the sudden whu flu cases spiked in Red states. They claimed it was because of reopening and ignored the effect of hundreds of thousands of BLM and antifa protests. And lest you forget I think it was the CDC but look it up, the supposed spike occurred when a bunch of Yankees came south for vacation.

Now as I have said many times, keep your infected asses home along with all your leftist nonsense.

My point is that it seems clear that the deep state health care apparatus is in cohoots with the Dems trying to destroy our economy and prop up incoherent Biden.

Look at all the bullshit with skepticism!