Alright it’s time to destroy the teachers unions. I know we don’t have them in this state but everywhere else they are destroying our education system for their personal benefit. I saw yesterday that somewhere in California the teachers union don’t want to return to the classrooms until they get a bunch of leftist nonsense, like defund the police, which has absolutely nothing to do with the virus. And in another place they want hazardous duty pay to do their jobs. Bullshit. The people who have stocked the shelves in our grocery stores and worked in Walmart etc and did it gratefully happy to have a job didn’t get hazard duty pay.

The real problem is that the teachers got paid for not teaching. And thus it is no surprise that they want to continue being paid for not doing their job. Now I am sure that a lot of teachers want to be back teaching their socialist agenda but they are being countered by their unions. I am sure that many really believe they are educating our kids, but I know several who are dumb as a stump and have masters in education

Ok, here’s my point. Furlough or fire them all. No money for not doing their jobs and let’s see how long it takes for them to decide they don’t need a union anymore because they want to work and get paid.

Reagan did it to the air traffic controllers union and guess what it worked and I know that at least one of you know that it worked. I personally don’t think that there should be any public sector unions. It’s an incestuous relationship where politicians get big money from government unions and then give the unions more money and benefits.