Monthly Archives: June 2020


If Trump actually issues an EO canceling Obama’s EO he should invite the Dems to have a serious conversation about immigration reform from a position of strength. He would effectively cancel out their only chip unless they were willing to actually consider reality. He could indicate that he was willing to protect DACA’s but only if they would reform immigration.


Once again Roberts and his leftist colleagues have totally destroyed the rule of law. I’m talking about the DACA decision in which Roberts declared that the Trump administration didn’t follow the APA, the Administrative Procedures Act, (a subject about which I know much having worked in an administrative agency for close to 30 years) when it revoked Obama’s illegal DACA Executive Order.

Now before I get into the nonsense of the decision, and Justice Thomas totally laid it out, I want to comment on Roberts. He constantly tells us that judges are not Republicans or Democrats just neutral. Total bullshit! However I think he has proven that he is neither. He panders to the mob and has no real conviction to anything other than trying to make sure ‘his’ court doesn’t do anything that might be controversial and negatively impact his legacy or negatively impact the swamp that is the Washington establishment.

Now for the decision itself, Obama’s Executive Order was not promulgated under the APA. There was no rulemaking, much less public hearings and comments. No after saying it would be unconstitutional to do it he did by fiat. Given that, it strains credulity to say that the Trump administration was required to follow the APA to repeal a rule that wasn’t promulgated under it.

To the extent that Trump did anything wrong, it was that he didn’t issue an E.O. canceling Obama’s E.O. My move at this point would be for Trump to issue an E.O. canceling Obama’s and then let’s see Roberts get his head out of his ass trying to explain how Trump has to follow the APA in issuing an order. Hint — he doesn’t because it doesn’t apply.


I wasn’t going to mention it but decided after talking to a follower of this blog, to do it. Today Tim Kaine, the senator from Virginia and the person who would be the Vice President if Hillary won said on the floor of the senate that this country created slavery! Forget that for thousands of years before this country existed slavery was a fact of life.

Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising from a senator from a state whose governor and attorney general wore black face. But it’s stupidity needs to be called out, so I wanted to point out this stupidity in case you missed it.


Just in case anyone thinks that I think that adding gays and lesbians to Title VII means that I don’t think whatever your religious beliefs they are canceled. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Freedom of religion is a constitutional right and not a statute. The constitution wins every time. Catholic schools don’t have to hire gays or lesbians. End of discussion!


The Supremes blew it today by confusing biological sex, male or female, with sexual activity as in who you fuck. I am not surprised by Roberts. He will go down as a wishy washy Chief Justice who made all of his decisions by checking the political winds in hoping like Obama to protect his legacy and like Obama his legacy will be disastrous. However I was really disappointed in Gorsuch. He touts himself as a strict enforcer of the law as written, but he did the opposite today.

Before I continue, in case you don’t know, the Supremes today decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex covered gays, lesbians and transgender people. Nothing could be farther than the truth. In 1964 a democrat added sex because he thought that would surely kill the bill because no one was stupid enough to think that women were equal. Now he’s considered a hero. So much for reality.

However, when sex was added it was clearly understood to be biologically male or female. Absolutely no one voting on the act thought that gay or lesbian was covered and for Gorsuch to suggest otherwise is the opposite of everything thing he claims as his judicial philosophy.

Now before I continue let me state that I have no problem with Congress amending the act to include discrimination against gays and lesbians. But that’s a legislative act not a judicial act. However the transgender issue and the how you self identify issue is different. If you have a dick you don’t belong in women’s restrooms or locker rooms. And you don’t get to play women’s sports. That’s discrimination against women.

I don’t know if today’s decision also covers Title IX covering female participation in college sports, but if it does then it’s even more egregious than I thought.


I was watching the golf tournament today from Texas and I had to immediately change channels. Jim Nantz came in and started talking healing and other bullshit like I would care about anything CBS sports espoused politically.

Later when I checked back, he was waxing uneloquently about how amazing it would be if Harold Varner III, a black man and the tournament leader at the start of the day, won the tournament as if it would be some kind of karma and heal the country.

Now first let me say that Harold is a fine young man and good golfer, but he’s never won on the PGA tour. He’s had a few chances but always seems to fold on the weekend. I would be happy for him if he did have a breakthrough win. However he lost the lead and has a uphill climb tomorrow.

Now the point of this rant. Is there anything more white privileged than golf. Does anyone with a brain, and apparently that excludes you Nantz, think that if Varner wins the tournament the socialist BLM folks and the fascist antifa folks and the rest of the anarchists will cease and desist from looting and burning and destroying and killing? Do you think that the anarchists in CHAZ will clear out and return their portion of Seattle to the citizens?

If you do then you’re brain dead. So quit the pandering you suck ups. Call out the truth and quit being part of the problem by running interference for the mob. You’re not helping anything, just encouraging further lawless violence.

And finally, stick to your job which is cover the tournament and not lecture me about your fawning, incompetent and ignorant bullshit.


I heard and then looked it up and it just keeps getting stranger and stranger. It was the idea of the Congressional Black Caucus to wear the Kente cloth for the kneeling. I can only assume that they don’t know the history of the Ashanti tribe or they just don’t care. I don’t know which is worse.


I recently ranted about the cringeworthy cultural appropriation of Kente cloth by Nancy and the nincompoops. However, it turns out that it was even worse than I thought.

I heard on the radio today and then I looked it up and it is absolutely true. The Ashanti tribe, which is the tribe of the Kente cloth, was the number one slavers in Africa. They conquered neighboring tribes and enslaved them and sold them to European slave traders for guns and ammo which they used to further their empire and enslave and sell more blacks to European slave traders.

Isn’t it ironic that the stupid Dems, pandering to black lives matter, chose to appropriate the culture of a tribe for whom black lives didn’t matter at all?


I know I am covering this for the umpteenth time, but it must not be erased and forgotten. Now the left wants to rename a handful of military bases, including Fort Bragg, that were named for Confederate Generals. And now Pelosi wants 11 statues in the Capitol hall of statues removed because they are of confederate individuals.

Here’s what I want to see. Please some Republicans in the House, ask Pelosi why she wants to remove statues of Democrats from the Capitol. Speaker Pelosi, are you trying to hide that it was your party that was the party of slavery?

I am sick and tired of the Dems getting a pass on their past. Please someone have the balls to call her out! I guarantee you that her discombobulated response would be priceless. Quit playing nice. It gets you nothing!


When I first heard that antifa had taken over six blocks in downtown Seattle and had barricaded it off and was patrolling it with armed guards like the start of an Isis caliphate, my first response was that the National guard should be sent in to quash it. However, upon thinking about it, it occurred to me that this is the outcome of the leftist socialist party in Washington state. So my position is let them live with the outcome of their bullshit. Trump is not going to win that state and so why should we invest any blood and treasure to protect them from themselves. Let them see in real time the reality of their nonsense.

I don’t think it will take long for them to realize their folly and beg us to save them from their idiocy. So let them see what happens when they get their wishes and don’t bail them out!