The Supremes blew it today by confusing biological sex, male or female, with sexual activity as in who you fuck. I am not surprised by Roberts. He will go down as a wishy washy Chief Justice who made all of his decisions by checking the political winds in hoping like Obama to protect his legacy and like Obama his legacy will be disastrous. However I was really disappointed in Gorsuch. He touts himself as a strict enforcer of the law as written, but he did the opposite today.

Before I continue, in case you don’t know, the Supremes today decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex covered gays, lesbians and transgender people. Nothing could be farther than the truth. In 1964 a democrat added sex because he thought that would surely kill the bill because no one was stupid enough to think that women were equal. Now he’s considered a hero. So much for reality.

However, when sex was added it was clearly understood to be biologically male or female. Absolutely no one voting on the act thought that gay or lesbian was covered and for Gorsuch to suggest otherwise is the opposite of everything thing he claims as his judicial philosophy.

Now before I continue let me state that I have no problem with Congress amending the act to include discrimination against gays and lesbians. But that’s a legislative act not a judicial act. However the transgender issue and the how you self identify issue is different. If you have a dick you don’t belong in women’s restrooms or locker rooms. And you don’t get to play women’s sports. That’s discrimination against women.

I don’t know if today’s decision also covers Title IX covering female participation in college sports, but if it does then it’s even more egregious than I thought.