[ Before I begin this rant, I want to briefly explain why it has taken me so long to get this up. Almost two weeks ago, the cat tripped me and I went down hard on my left side. I was pretty sure that I had severely bruised my ribs because it has happened two other times over the past 40 years, and from that I knew that there was nothing that could be done except heal slowly over time — so that was my plan. And it seemed to be working but after three or four days it started getting worse — not in the ribs but in first one shoulder and then it switched to the other and then to my upper back which I figured was due to overcompensating for one side which improved that side and screwed up the other. Finally a week ago it got to the point where I couldn’t sleep because there was no position I could get comfortable in, so I went to the ER , the last place I wanted to be at this time, and it turns out that I cracked two ribs and had what was described as just the a minuscule bit of potential pneumonia. In case you’re wondering, no it’s not Wuhan related. My temperature was 96.4. At any rate they prescribed an antibiotic for a week and here’s where this might be relevant to this rant, I asked the doctor to give me a prescription for dilaudid which is the only pain reliever I can tolerate. OxyContin and Percocet etc make me nauseous and dizzy. Here’s the point, he is now forbidden by law or regulation from writing those prescriptions. I can only assume in more government, one size fits all, response to the opioid crisis. At any rate I am slowly getting better as you can see I can now type on my keyboard which I couldn’t do last week. ]

Okay, here’s the questions that should have been asked to Fauci but weren’t during his testimony last week, and let me preface this by admitting that in that forum it would have been impossible to do unless the Republicans got together to develop the questions and then asked them in serial order by separate senators. So here we go.

Dr. Fauci, whenever you are questioned about your positions, you always start by saying you are a scientist, a physician and a public health official who just follows the science. So I am going to ask you to explain the science behind several of your positions. And just to be clear to you, I am distinguishing between actual hard provable science and SWAG. I am five or six years younger than you, but when I was studying physics and chemistry and thermodynamics the term SWAG was known by everyone. But in case you are unfamiliar the term stands for scientific wild ass guess. It is something that sounds like science but is just an unproven guess. (At the end of the this rant I will be explaining why it’s entirely possible that he doesn’t know the difference.)

Let me give you a real-time example of SWAG. On April 21st John Roberts asked Dr. Birx about the USC study that indicated that up to 55X more people were infected in LA and she never really answered his question but went off on how you have been saying for weeks that a-symptomatic versus symptomatic and this age group versus that was your working hypothesis and then she said there is no data to support it but we think it is the way to go. Dr. Fauci, that is the definition of SWAG. You have an hypothesis with no data to support it but your going with it anyway because you’re an ‘expert’ and so that’s good enough. So Dr. Fauci whenever you respond to my questions, I want actual hard science and not just your opinions. And if you think that what Dr. Birx said was actual science then you need to stop calling yourself a scientist because you’re not!

Early on in this crisis you said that the virus could not be spread from human to human. I’m not going to ask you the scientific basis for your statement because as we all know it’s totally false or there would be no pandemic. What I’m going to ask you is the basis for your statement. Did you have any evidence to support your position or you just repeating Chinese talking points put out by their puppets at the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Again, on 1/21/20, when you said that the virus was not a major threat to the people of the United States ( and by the way you were right but don’t believe it now ) what was the science you were relying on or were you once again parroting Chinese talking points echoed by WHO?

When Trump imposed the travel ban why did you say almost a month later that travel bans are irrelevant because you can’t keep the world out but now you say that maybe the most important action taken in preventing spread in this country? Please tell us the science you were following?

On 2/29/20 you said there was no need for Americans to change anything they are doing on a day to day basis and on 3/9/20 you said it’s okay to take a cruise if you’re a healthy person and it was okay to hold and attend political rallies as long as they were not at places that had a community spread of the virus. Please tell us the actual science behind those statements since you clearly don’t stand by them today? And let me remind you that there cannot be because real science doesn’t change therefore your positions can only be SWAG.

After Ferguson and the Imperial College put out their bogus model predicting that 2.2 million Americans would die what steps, if any, did you or Dr. Birx take to validate the easily discredited model before recommending the president shut down the country?

Dr. Fauci, you do understand that models are not science, they are SWAG don’t you? Models are someone’s guess at what’s going on. They are not proven science. If they were, we’d have 2.2 million dead Americans.

Now Dr. Fauci, when it quickly became apparent that the Ferguson model was off by more than an order of magnitude, did you go back to the President and recommend that he reopen the country? Why not?

I’m going to end at this point for today because I fear it’s already too long. I’ll put the rest up tomorrow.