I am so tired of the bullshit being pushed by the left that I just can’t take it anymore. If you don’t want to hear reality, then please stop reading.

For weeks I have been pointing out that there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support social distancing and every day more evidence comes out that there is no evidence. It has never been done before, so they are making it up as they go while claiming that it’s science. It’s not. It’s SWAG! There are credible epidemiologists who have said that there is exactly zero evidence that social distancing has had any affect in stopping the spread of Wuhan flu. So why have we destroyed the most successful economy in history?

Let’s take a look. Neil Ferguson, a supposedly world class epidemiologist at the Imperial College in London put out a totally debunked model saying that 2.2 million Americans would die from this virus. His bs was the main reason that the world shut down. He’s now been fired because he broke the UK rules mandating stay at home and social distancing. How you ask? After testing positive for the virus, he had his married mistress come over for sex on several occasions. Now just so you know, she was apparently in an open marriage. However, he put her, her children and her husband at risk. His answer is that he thought he was immune. Really!

I continue to believe that Fauci and Birx are media whores. Nobody had ever heard of either of them before this virus appeared. And now they are media darlings because they endorse destroying the Trump economy. And don’t forget that as I pointed out weeks ago, Birx admitted that there was no data to support their bullshit. Also, she admitted that they are cooking the numbers to try to make them look credible. I don’t know what the real numbers are but they are a lot lower than what you are being told. Any death in a nursing home is being counted as a Wuhan death. And anyone else who dies and can be chalked up to Wuhan, whether they were tested or not is used to increase the numbers.

Every time it appears that there is evidence to support reopening the economy some someone like the bogus university of Washington come out with a new dire prediction. And of course Fauci and the scarf predict that reopening the economy will lead to major increases in deaths. Again they have no scientific evidence to support their SWAG.

It’s now known that the average age of people who have died from this virus is 82 and that over half the deaths in this country have been in nursing homes, where I would surmise that most have DNR’s. So what did the supposed genius governor of New York do? He ordered that old folks with the virus be put in the already vulnerable nursing homes instead of the hospitals that Trump built for them.

His dumbass brother, who has the virus, on at least two occasions violated his brother’s rules as did the governor himself when he didn’t wear a face mask.

I see that Trump is considering disbanding his Wuhan flu task force and he can’t do it fast enough. They are deep staters who are trying to destroy his presidency.