I am watching Watters World and the scarf just said that the virus data is like economic data. WOW! Now she is right but I never expected her to admit it. Economics is referred to as the dismal science because it is not science. It’s SWAG. If it was science then we would never have recessions or depressions because we would know what to do for the economy. We don’t because all their models are SWAG. And the same is true for the epidemiology that is being claimed to be accurate for this virus. It’s not. It’s SWAG. So let’s stop destroying our economy for unsubstantiated guesses. Their models have been grossly wrong at every turn. So why are we continuing to listen to their bullshit? Because all the left and the Dems see it as the only way to take down Trump.

BTW I will post a rant exposing the hypocrisy of economics.