I am sure that all of you are familiar with the term GIGO —garbage in garbage out. This has been the bane of computer modeling from the beginning, and that’s assuming you were actually trying to build an honest model.

Now this is particularly important now because the new rules for reopening our economy consider the data first and foremost. I have previously set out how Dr. Birx has already admitted that they are skewing the numbers by counting anyone who dies and tested positive for the Wuhan flu is to be counted as a death from the virus. This is no doubt an attempt to inflate the numbers to try to make it appear that their models weren’t as bad as they are. Remember, their models included social distancing and other mitigation factors and were still way off. They keep claiming that social distancing is why the numbers were way off and are never called out on the falsity of their claim.

However, things are even getting worse. Yesterday Comrade de Blasio declared that 3,777 people in NYC who died and were never tested for the virus died from the virus. Many of these people died at home. This is just a blatant attempt to create a false narrative to let the left continue the shutdown to try to take down Trump.

And I read an article in Redstate today that in our state Republicans are asking our governor and his administration to provide the information and models that they are using to support their unconstitutional shutdown and they are refusing to do so. Anyone beside me think that like Dracula their nonsense can not withstand the light of day?

We cannot continue to allow our economy to be destroyed by false models and falsified data.

There needs to be some serious litigation about violations of our constitutional rights. And one more thing. It appears that those of us over 60 or so will still be expected to self quarantine for our own good. I want to decide what’s for my own good. Remember these are the same people who claim that women have the absolute right to control their bodies, including murdering their offspring even after in some cases they are born.

Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I forfeit my rights!!