Sorry but when looked up I had a message saying unable to update so I hit publish and fortunately unlike last night it actually got published.

Now to continue, the second point I wanted to make yesterday is that Fauci and the rest of the left are now claiming that we have to continue our stay at home and self distance for the next 18 months. This is total nonsense. The economy would be destroyed forever and at the end the government would be pretty much the only employer. This is the ultimate wet dream for the left and why you will see Pelosi and Schumer and the squad go crazy when Trump reopens business. They claim we can’t reopen until we have a vaccine.

Now for today’s updates. Alex Berenson, a former NYT reporter, was on Fox News today and totally eviscerated the false narrative that the reason for the reductions in the projected deaths is because is because of social distancing. He has actually been closely following the various models and says conclusively that the models took into account social distancing so they were never remotely accurate in their models. If you have the Fox News app just open it and it will be one of the first articles.

The second thing you need to consider is the nonsense that we can’t get back to normal until we have a vaccine. I heard today that Fauci came to prominence as the leader during the AIDS epidemic back in the 90’s. Remember that during the first 5 to 10 years of the epidemic getting the disease was a death sentence. Nobody survived. We didn’t close anything because they didn’t want to be accused of political incorrectness by stigmatizing gay sex.

People we still don’t have a vaccine for AIDS and we have managed to survive. Fauci is a self important gas bag who just wants to keep him and the scarf in the spotlight and to control the country. I know Trump can’t politically, but he should show both of them the door.

President Trump do what you know is right and don’t let the deep state control your decisions. Whenever I hear you say we are going to reopen the economy when the doctors say it’s okay to do I cringe. They weren’t elected by anyone! You were! They don’t run the country, you do. So please end this bullshit and do what you know is right. Everyday you delay you destroy more lives by far than this so far unimpressive virus. You now have over 16 million people unemployed compared to 16,000 deaths. That is the height of stupidity!

BTW. Dellingpole had an article in breitbart today destroying the bogus models.