I may be really wrong about this because it’s just a guess, but I think that Biden’s VP running mate may well be Michelle Obama. Why I think this may be the case is because it has become clear that Barrack Obama is behind all the candidates dropping out and endorsing Biden. I didn’t really think he had that much power, but apparently he does.

Now there has been a lot of chatter about Michelle being put up in a brokered convention, but I don’t think she has the resume or the ability to take on Trump. He would eviscerate her in any debate. However, if Biden put her on the ticket, he would get the bounce without the scrutiny. Let’s face it, Biden would never serve out his first term. He’s senile. However, he could resign and after getting his life long dream of being president, he could give the Dems their wet dream of a black female president. And Barrack could give Hillary the fu he has always wanted to.