Monthly Archives: February 2020


Ok. I have previously said that the Dems will continue to try to impeach Trump because they have nothing else. Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler got kicked to the curb with their last bogus attempt and are really pissed off because Trump made them look like the incompetent idiots they are. I have no doubt that they will try again because they have nothing else.

I believe that they would love to try again by subpoenaing Bolton as Nadler has stated. I also think that they may try to make a case because of Trump’s removal of the Vindmans and Sondland. I doubt that they will do the latter because this time Schiff cannot protect Ciaramella, the now exposed ‘whistleblower’by Rand Paul on the senate floor. Schiff would be exposed as the fraud he is.

With respect to their other potential avenues, they will undoubtedly try but it will fail. The 30 or so Dems in districts that Trump won biggly will never vote again for this nonsense. They would be saying they want to be one term congressman, which they probably are anyway, but why confirm it.

What I really think will happen is the notorious October surprise. With their nominee totally overmatched, they will throw out some bs at the last minute. They will claim that Trump was a child molester or raped Blaisey Ford or some other equally obnoxious lies. Again they only have one playbook and it’s become transparent.


This is an add on to my earlier rant on Biden trying to be cool. I’ve seen a lot of videos of Biden lately and in addition to turning up his suit collar, he way too often wears aviator sunglasses even indoors. Really? If there is one thing that’s clear it’s that Biden thinks he’s cool and that form beats substance. His hair is the result of hair plugs, hence Rush calls him plugs. It’s also obvious that he’s had a lot of plastic surgery done on his face. Everything about him is phony.

He’s an over the hill never was who wants to think he’s cool. He’s an idiot who can’t put together a coherent sentence. Trump would destroy him in a debate and there’s no chance that the Dems will ever let that happen.


Dennis Miller said on one of his stand up routines that one of the callers on his radio show referred to Pelosi as a Bond villain named Pelosigalore. I disagree. She should be referred to as Cruella de Ripper. She isn’t smart at all. What she is good at is raising money. She bought her way into the speakership.

The only reason she was able to get the 30 plus Dems who won in districts that Trump won biggly is because she threatened to withhold money for their reelection campaigns if they didn’t toe the party line.

Ok. Here’s the reason for this rant. Pelosi tore up Trump’s State of the Union not because it was full of lies but because it was the truth. Trump exposed the policies of her and Obama as utter nonsense aimed at hurting us rather than helping us. She had the audacity to claim that the continuing record setting stock market was the result of Obama’s policy. Really, don’t forget that Paul Krugman, a Nobel prize winning economist, said that if Trump won the stock market would crash and never recover. Why does this idiot still have a job?

Pelosi knows that allowing Schiff and the bowling ball to go forward with their evidence free impeachment was a disaster but she also knew that if they didn’t rush this bullshit through Trump would easily get re-elected. Now because their coup failed spectacularly Trump will win biggly and she will fade into the sunset and continue hanging upside down from the ceiling at night.


Trump was exonerated today but Nadler has already said he may subpoena Bolton and start this nonsense again. They have nothing else. Their candidates are unelectable and their only chance to try to win in November is to get Trump out of the race. And Pelosi’s conduct at the State of the Union made clear how desperate they are.


This wuss needs to switch parties. He lost his presidential race because he was not a fighter. He should have easily beaten Obama but he was soft when Candy Crowley interjected bs in a debate and he caved. His fake speech and feigned weeping today was the ultimate disgrace.

His supposed reason was that the ‘facts’ overwhelmingly proved that Trump abused his power. Mitt please tell me what facts you are talking about. The entire House case was totally inadmissible hearsay. No court in this country would admit any of Schiff’s supposed evidence. Not a single witness put up by Schiff or Nadler (BTW Jerry the weeble factory called and want their prototype back) had any admissible evidence to support their nonsense.

Hopefully the voters in Utah will recall him and end his sorry political career. If they don’t get that right, then vote him out in 2024. I hope that Trump, even though he won’t be running, will campaign to kick Romney out. Don’t forget he only got elected because Trump endorsed him. Enough of the RINOS. We don’t need anymore Romneys or McCains.


Here’s what I don’t understand. This app was supposed to be used to report the results from the various precincts. Why was it needed other than to provide wiggle room? Really Iowans couldn’t use their cellphones to report the results and so they needed an app to let them use their cellphones to report the results. This stinks! And don’t forget that CNN and the Des Moines Register cancelled their poll on Sunday.

Listen I am certainly not a Bernie Bro, but he shouldn’t be cheated twice. I would love for him to be the nominee because a communist has zero chance of winning a national election. Obviously the Dems know that!


Ok. The question is now what should happen. I believe that Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi will continue to try to smear Trump because they have nothing else. I believe there should be a price for their nonsense and not just at the ballot box.

It is time for the senate to grow a pair. Lindsey Graham and other committee chairman should subpoena Schiff and Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko and the Bidens and the ICIG and put this coup in the open. Graham talks a good game but now it’s time to actually act. The Dems will keep up this nonsense until there are real consequences. Do it!


The senate just voted to have no further witnesses and now they are voting on witnesses. Really? This shit needs to end and Trump really needs to stiff the Dems and send a written state of the union and then roast them in a rally. Listen it’s not like Pelosi and Schiff will ever acknowledge the legitimacy of your election so just figuratively give the finger.

You will already be in south Florida for the super bowl so just announce a rally in the same forum and you will easily fill it up and then tell the Dems to go fuck themseleves.