First, today has been a total circle jerk. Each side sends marshmallows to their side

Next the Dems have made clear that they hate Trump because he had the audacity to defeat their chosen queen. That’s the Chardonnay infused, unable to walk, totally corrupt Hillary. She is the epitome of the swamp and he wants to destroy the entitled political class and the swamp rats in the government.

Moreover, he is doing it and they can’t stand it and know they can’t beat him at the ballot box. So they continue to to put forth their nonsense that if he didn’t follow the swamp’s view of what our foreign policy should be than he necessarily needs to go. I have said this many times and so had Trump’s team. The president is the sole authority under the constitution of our foreign policy. The Vindmans of the world can either get on board or get the hell out. They don’t set foreign policy in spite of believing that they are smarter than the president and the rest of us rubes. Yeah Don Lemon I am talking about your ignorant ass. I would bet that Trump supporters are at least as educated and sophisticated as your ignorant ass. I know I am.

Next, I don’t believe that witnesses will be called. Today Corey Gardner of Colorado said he doesn’t see the need for witnesses since the House didn’t call them in their rush to make sure Trump has been impeached forever. I personally agree with Dershowitz that that is not true. If you are indicted and then win, you are not indicted forever. You are innocent. With Gardner on the side on the side of no witnesses at best for the Dems the vote will be 50-50. Based on past performance I don’t think Chief Justice Roberts has the balls to break the tie and that would mean no witnesses and this bullshit can end this week.

Lastly I don’t think that the Dems really want witnesses. Bolton will be destroyed on cross examination and the last thing they want is for the corruption between Schiff and the whistleblower to be exposed along with the Bidens corruption.