I have waited a few days before commenting because I wanted to get the lay of the land.. First I have learned that when Susan Rice and Samantha Powers claimed that the Obama administration never had the opportunity to take out Sulemani, it was a complete lie. Quelle surprise! Back in the Obama administration, Obama was given a heads up by Israel that they were going to take down Sulemani and not only did Obama discourage it, he picked up the phone and called Iran to warn them. I’m sorry but Obama was an antisemitic Muslim.

I also saw that Obama ordered 2800 air strikes that no one in Congress approved. And lest you forget, Obama had a drone kill list including offing an American citizen without a warrant or any other authorization. Make no mistake, he did the right thing but I am sick of the hypocrisy. Obama kills Bin Laden and the left cheers. Trump takes out someone worse and somehow he is committing high crimes and misdemeanors. Please. This is just Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Now the most ridiculous thing that the left has been saying is that Trump should have notified Congress before he killed Sulemani. Really? The last thing anyone with a brain would do is give critical information to Schiff! Listen folks, as I have previously said, the President needs the ability to take action to protect Americans and has it under the constitution. On the other hand, I would have no problem with a law limiting the president’s authority to 90 days without congressional approval before getting us into a real war. You can’t have a situation where the President can’t act without congressional approval. That would take away any real ability to protect us. You can’t spend weeks or months debating military action. All that does is give the enemy time to prepare.

And lastly, contrary to John Bolton, I am not interested in regime change. If Iran retaliates, then we need to hit them overwhelming hard where it hurts and then get out. I don’t care how crazy they want to be in their country. I just want them to know that screwing with us is seriously bad news. Obama and before him Carter never acted when they should have. Carter because he was a stupid pacifist and Obama because he was on their side.