
Let’s understand the nonsense that Pelosi and the rest of the idiots on the left keep spouting about the so called whistleblower. As I’ve started before I know federal whistleblower laws. In the normal course of events, an individual claims that he or she was demoted, suspended or fired because they raised an issue that their superiors didn’t like. The whistleblower is known and an investigation is conducted by the Office of Special Counsel in the Merit Systems Protection Board. The whistleblower is known and that is their protection.

In the case of the non whistleblower whistleblower going on now, and as I’ve previously demonstrated this idiot is not covered by the statute at issue, the Democrats want to keep his identity secret because they know he is a political hack. They are not trying to protect him from reprisals for allegedly blowing the whistle. If they were they would release his name. You get protection when you are outed. If you are anonymous then you can be fired because nobody knows you supposedly blew the whistle. This whole nonsense is ass backwards. What the Democrats want is to prevent his bias and his ignorance from being exposed.
Once again Lindsey Graham get off your ass and expose this hypocrisy.