In Realclearpolitics today, they put up what Rush said on his show yesterday after he stole it from me with a headline making it sound like Rush is a genius.

Below is the text of the email I sent Rush yesterday ten minutes before what you can read in RCP.

Everyone keeps asking why Pelosi didn’t wait for the transcript to be released. The answer is simple. You’re right that this was a well planned attack by Schiff’s folks and some deep state intelligence swamp rat. I believe that their plan was to leak the gossip complaint and control the narrative. They expected Trump to protect the transcript for the good of the country and they could spin their lies while claiming Trump was covering up  
Their plan went to hell when Trump said he was releasing the transcript and it would be before the complaint was released. They knew that if the transcript got out before the complaint they would be hard pressed to initiate a formal inquiry with no quid pro quo.  So Nancy pulled trigger. 

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