Another quickie. I seriously wonder if the Dems are as stupid as they seem to be or they just don’t care about truth and facts — Joe Biden they’re the same thing not opposites — as long as they can try to destroy Trump. Unfortunately, I have to believe it’s the latter because no rational person could look at the facts and then spew the nonsense that comes out of their mouths.

This morning I saw that documents have come out, probably from John Solomon but I’m not sure, demonstrating that the Ukrainians didn’t know that the military aid had been held back until a month after the phone call. That’s right, Trump didn’t say anything about it and they didn’t know about it so it’s kind of hard to have a quid pro quo when one party doesn’t know about it.

The reason for this rant is that I just saw that the intelligence folks surreptitiously changed the whistleblower complaint form to remove requirement that the whistleblower have first hand knowledge of the substance of the complaint. And it was done just before this complaint came in. This was an orchestrated scheme between intelligence swamp rats and Schiff’s folks, much like Feinstein and Blasey Ford. There is no such thing as a whistleblower who has no first hand knowledge of what they’re alleging. That’s called gossip.

P.S. BTW, they seem to be saying that Trump did something wrong because Biden is running for President and thus is a potential opponent. My question is since when did running for office exempt you and your family from criminal investigation? I guess if Biden wasn’t running this would be okay.