Let me give you my perspective on why you’re seeing all the latest nonsense calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. There are three reasons I believe for this lunacy. First, they know they can’t impeach Trump. Second, they are basically conceding that Trump will win re-election, which will likely allow him to appoint one more justice to the Supreme Court. And third, they are trying to basically blackmail Kavanaugh into voting in favor of abortion when a case reaches the Court.

The basis for this latest nonsense is that the NYT published a libelous allegation that was known at the time of the Kavanaugh hearings and not considered credible then. The Times conveniently left out that the woman involved refused to be interviewed but told her friends that she didn’t recall any such thing happening. And the person who claims to have heard about it or maybe seen it is a Clinton attorney and confidant. What a surprise.

The allegation itself is just unbelievable. Supposedly, Kavanaugh was at a party with his pants down and one of his friends took his penis and placed it in a girl’s hand. Really? Not at any party that I was ever at. More importantly, if it is true, Kavanaugh’s friend is the one who harassed the girl.

I doubt seriously that they will try to impeach Kavanaugh because they know they have nothing. And as I have previously stated, there is no way in hell that Blasey Ford is going to sit down for another hearing where her perjury from the last one will be totally exposed. In fact, recently her attorney said at some women’s forum that Ford did it because she wanted there to be an asterisk next to any decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

I am going to put together the texts of three emails I wrote on this subject when my blog was out of commission. That will be my next rant.