For any of you who don’t know, the NYT has put out a series of opinion pieces designed to rewrite US history to claim that this country didn’t begin in 1776 but in 1619 when the first black slaves were brought to and sold in Jamestown. They want to totally rewrite the history books to claim our country was founded on slavery and the blacks were the driving force in our growth. I have previously addressed this nonsense so will not do it again. However, the 1619 canard has achieved an outcome that I’m sure the Times didn’t anticipate. There have been many well researched and written articles totally debunking their premise.

It is important to note that the Times carefully used black slaves because prior to 1619 there were many slaves in this hemisphere. They were enslaved indigenous people, including Native American Indians who were enslaved by other tribes. There were also many indigenous peoples enslaved in Central and South America. People, slavery was a worldwide reality back then and nothing unique to the US..

Don’t fall for this attempt to try to take down what has proven to be the most incredible country ever conceived and the country that has done the most to truly follow the notion that all men (and women) are created equal.