First let me say that this ass kissing ‘interview’ was beneath Oprah and proved my point that SK is a brain dead idiot. She is incapable of forming a coherent thought.

If you haven’t seen any of it, don’t. It will result in your loss of a few IQ points. Unfortunately I have watched several clips and in particular her two minute rambling about what it means to be an American. I lost those two minutes and will never get them back. Don’t make that mistake.

And to make matters worse, the cackle is back even when she talked about shooting someone. Apparently her handlers somehow got her to knock it off for the debate and then she couldn’t avoid returning to her cackle to cover for the vapidness of her words.

The fact that she is apparently tied with Trump is unfathomable. I believe that in actuality Trump is trouncing her and the left pollsters are turning out false polls based on over sampling of Dems. Remember at this point Hillary and Magoo were ahead by 8 to 10 points and they both lost!

If this rant is incomprehensible, blame it on my loss of IQ from listening to her.

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