(BTW: I deleted my last rant and put Seger where he should have been.)

Now I had not planned to rant about Swift’s endorsement of SK. However one of you HS texted me out of the blue about it and even went so far as to do the research on her academic background. She left high school in her junior year to pursue her musical career and later got her diploma via homeschooling. She never went to college. So I figured I would address it.

First I’ve never been a Swift fan. I considered her as bubblegum country and have never heard any of her songs since she went pop other than when someone covers one of them on Idol or the Voice. She’s attractive but so what?. If you are going to vote for SK because Swift endorsed her then you should probably not be voting.

Now if you look at why she said she endorsed her, it gets worse. She said she did her homework and research and came to the conclusion that her policies were best. PROBLEM: what policies? She has none as she demonstrated last night. The only ones she has are the ones she is now trying to disavow. If Taylor likes the changed positions then she should endorse Trump because as he said last night her new ‘positions’ are his positions. The only thing that is clear is that Taylor is one more person who thinks the only issue is deproductive rights.

I personally don’t think celebrity endorsements mean anything. Anyone who votes based on them was already going to vote that way.

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