I was going to call my response to the taped and edited ‘interview’ Macbeth 2.0 but there was no sound and no fury. There were two idiots, but that wasn’t enough. I held off commenting that night because I was lazy and I’m glad I did because most everything I would have said was said by everyone else the next morning and you don’t need me to state the obvious. At least I hope that’s not what you expect to see here.

The only thing I will say about it is that when SK talked about guidelines around time, I thought she was about a nanosecond from devolving into the significance of the passage of time. She didn’t but it was already so stupid she didn’t need to. I will say that her speaking style is a cross between a kindergarten teacher explaining something she doesn’t understand herself to young children and nails on a chalkboard.

Moving on to the actual purpose of this rant, I saw where she said she didn’t ban fracking as vice president, it might have been in the interview or it might have been somewhere else, I’m not sure and am once again too lazy to look it up. People there is no such thing as a VP Executive Order! She had no authority to on her own ban fracking. No one asked her to explain how she could have done it.

Now the real reason for this rant is to question SK’s prosecutorial experience. She repeatedly said she tried hundreds of felony cases in her 13 years as a line prosecutor. However, when challenged in a debate when she ran for San Francisco DA she admitted it was more like fifty. That’s about four a year. And I’m sure none of them were OJ type cases or we would have heard of her. Most of her cases were probably two or three days against an underfunded public defender. So she was as lazy then as she is now. She spent most of her time ingratiating herself with the powers that be to climb the ladder of power. In any DA’s office in a big city there are way more cases than can be prosecuted and hence the vast majority are ended by a plea bargain. Had she wanted to actually do her job she could have tried 50 or more a year. She’s a lazy, low IQ, bum who only cares about aggrandizing herself and nothing else.

Over the course of 25 years I tried about 100 cases but that was because that was all of the cases there were. Actually there were probably another ten or fifteen cases which I assigned to other attorneys because they occurred at the same time as cases I was working on. I didn’t have an endless stream of cases to pick and choose and I still managed to be as active as she was. Also I had had responsibility for many other areas including national security as I have mentioned before. She had no other responsibilities.

Also as I mentioned above, I’m sure that few if any of her trials lasted as much as a week. Most of mine lasted at least a week and several lasted three to six weeks. I’d be willing to bet she never tried a case that lasted that long. She can’t think coherently for a 20 minute interview much less a three week trial. She’s always been a grifter!

And one last thing, she makes a big deal about protecting children from predators. Nothing could be further from the truth. When she became San Francisco DA there were 500 pending child molestation cases being investigated against priests in that diocese and ready to go before a grand jury. When she got elected, they all somehow disappeared, and the number reached 1100 when she was AG. The diocese of San Francisco is a powerful political power in San Francisco and she put their wishes over the welfare of the children. She’s a political whore.

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