First now that the whole birther thing is coming up again, let me remind you that the attack was originated by Hillary. It was put out by her campaign back in 2008 when she was running against Obama. And just so you know that there is some substance to the issue, there was ( I don’t know if it’s still up. ) a video of Michelle on a trip to Kenya during Barry’s presidency opening her remarks by saying that it was good to be in the country where her husband was born. And Obama had on his CV page for his publisher that he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii etc. A couple of weeks before he announced he was running for president, he changed it to say that he was born in Hawaii with Kenyan parents etc. I know I put the second point up but it would have been long enough ago that it was in the first five years of this blog which are now gone. I don’t know if I put the first point up. Now at this point I don’t care because he got away with it even if he lied. There is no remedy and so let it go unless you have incontrovertible proof.

Next in a continuation of what I and everyone else has been saying that if SK has all these great solutions, why hasn’t she implemented them in the past four years? Now the Obamas and Hillary and the whole crowd are not talking policies because they lose badly on those but instead are now talking about hope and change and feelings and vibes. But when they say we need hope, they are ignoring that they have been in control for the last four years and 12 of the last 16 years. They are running against themselves. They think that you’re too stupid to notice. As someone on the Five said today, they want you to erase the Magoo years and consider Trump the incumbent responsible for the mess they made.

Lastly, although I should never say that because past history suggests there’s a 50/50 chance that by the time I finish this thought a new one will come to mind, anyway I’m sick and tired of hearing them blame all the lost jobs during Covid on Trump. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Remember that Trump only called for a I think two week pause to slow the curve. It was the governors that shut down their states. People like Tampon Tim and Newsom and Cuomo and Pritzker and Whitmer and our own worthless Cooper. They are responsible for trashing the economy and Magoo with his vaccine mandates. So start firing back at this bogus talking point.