I am sure that you have all seen Kamala’s tautological nonsense on diplomacy which proves once again that she is an idiot off a teleprompter, actually she’s an idiot even on teleprompter, but what you probably didn’t see because I only saw it in one place today was what Magoo did after her word salad.

This was yesterday, actually now the day before yesterday, and remember they were greeting the returning hostages. After she spoke, Magoo aimlessly walked away and went up the stairs to their jet. Not his which wasn’t there but the one they arrived in to the amusement of all there. And he stayed in it for close to a minute before walking back down the stairs. No one knows what he was doing. Maybe he needed to pee and that was the closest bathroom. But most likely he thought he was boarding AF 1. The lack of coverage indicates to me that they have already written him off.

And now one more thing which means this is not a quickie. A lot of pundits on Fox were saying that Trump should steer clear of discussing Kamala’s ethnicity and stick to her flip flops which indicates that they didn’t bother to check out what Trump was pointing out, namely that she changed her ethnicity to suit what she deemed most useful at each stage of her career. When Trump discusses her Kama Chameleon career, he should keep it in but explain the point because it apparently went over all their heads.