Kudos to Boy George. Before I get into all her policy flip flops, I first want to remind you of the phoniness of her touting her record $100 million fundraising in one day. Remember that the Dem donors froze $90 million until Magoo was kicked off the ticket. So that’s another false narrative.

As I have said previously she is at best a midwit and never had an original idea. You all know that she slept her way into politics and up the chain. She is now apparently planning to run a prosecutor versus felon narrative, but what kind of prosecutor was she? She jailed a lot of blacks for marijuana use and then laughed when admitting she used marijuana. She refused to release a person who was wrongly convicted until forced by a court. She kept people in jail after their terms had expired because she wanted to use them as cheap labor.

And then when running for the Dem nomination she advocated for defunding the police and cashless bail and open borders and decriminalizing illegal border crossings. She advocated for a bail fund in Minnesota for the criminals who were involved in illegal activities after the Floyd riots. When she got involved they were taking in about $270,000 a year and now they have about $42 million and she’s still advocating for them.

And as I have said before, she’s just a narcissistic bully. When she is in a position of power like a prosecutor or when she was in the senate she is just an obnoxious bully. When she was in the senate in a confirmation hearing, she would act all tough but as soon as whoever she was denigrating started to respond she reclaimed her time to prevent them from pointing out her bs.

When she didn’t have the bully pulpit, like in the debates in 2020, she folded like a cheap suit when confronted. Tulsi Gabbard totally exposed her and she went down hill fast.

And the last thing I will mention is how poor a speaker she is. I know some of you think she’s good but then again you probably also think Obama was some great orator. He wasn’t and totally dissembled when he wasn’t reading off a teleprompter. I found him to be snarky, condescending and arrogant. Kamala fits the same mold except for the cackling. There is nothing compelling about her speaking. Sorry.