First I thought Trump did a great job last night. It could have been a little shorter but as any of you who have watched a Trump rally know he speaks that long all the time and in someways it was an in your face FU to Magoo who couldn’t stand up and give a coherent 90 minute speech if his life depended on it. And as an aside, I predict that Magoo won’t be able to get up even the little boy stairs by September. I have been watching closely his physical deterioration and he is declining rapidly! How are they going to cover up having to carry him up and down stairs. He already needs assistance to get in and out of the Beast.

And another thing that I learned from Tarlov tonight, and it’s extremely rare that I learn anything from this moron, but she had Trump’s written speech and it was 3000 words and his actual speech was 12,000 words meaning he was speaking extemporaneously for three quarters of his speech. They do everything they can to keep Magoo from saying anything that is not on the teleprompter because he always screws it up.

Now to get to the purpose of this rant, Magoo or whoever is actually speaking for him came out with a response that could have been written before Trump spoke and dwelled on what Trump didn’t say. As always they created a false narrative to run against and try to take down Trump. Like the Russia collusion crap and the Handmaid’s Tale, they are now trying to run against Project 2025. Now for those of you who don’t know Project 2025 is a 900 page treatise by the Heritage Foundation and other very conservative organizations that is basically their wishlist. Trump had nothing to do with it and has distanced himself from it. He’s running on the Republican platform which is less than twenty pages, but since they know they can’t beat him on actual policy, they are creating a cheap fake to run against. Total bs.

It would be like Trump finding some far left wishlist and then imputing it to Magoo and running against that instead of Magoo’s policies. Oh wait, that is Magoo’s policies.