In the case of Magoo it’s the latter! I have several observations to make but I want to congratulate the moderators on doing a reasonable job. They did have some slanted questions but nothing unexpected and they basically asked their questions and then shut the hell up. Now it’s my opinion that the reason they behaved was that their gross TDS has been the subject of much media leading up to the debate and put their credibility and that of CNN on the line if they acted the fool like they usually do.

Now the debate answered somewhat one of the questions I posited a few weeks ago. Namely what was Magoo like behind closed doors with foreign leaders where his aides couldn’t contradict him. Apparently moronic! I said somewhat because this was Magoo after an entire week, skipping his job, and studying for the debate. He doesn’t have that option for everything. So I suspect that he is actually even worse than he was last night.

Now one thing that I noticed immediately and texted a couple of you about. The split screen did Magoo in. All you had to do was watch him when Trump was speaking. He was the definition of the lights are on but nobody’s home, except in this case the lights were hooked up to a dimmer switch and it was turned all the way down. It was actually painful to watch.

There were a couple things that people missed and it surprised me. First Magoo said ILLEGAL ALIENS which I thought was an anathema to the left. Nobody has mentioned it. And he got Trump and Putin confused saying Putin gave Trump the green light to do whatever he wanted when it was supposedly the other way around. I thought I might have been mistaken, but I have a knack for picking up on things like that, and it was confirmed by a couple of you at the time it was said. I haven’t seen that mentioned anywhere.

Now I was pleasantly surprised that a couple of things came up. First Trump worked in that Pelosi took responsibility for J6 on a real time video shot by her daughter and Magoo looked bewildered or maybe that was supposed to be his you’re a liar face. I enjoyed Trump telling Magoo that he could be indicted and tried as soon as he leaves office, but he didn’t go far enough. I wanted him to point blank ask Magoo why he stole classified documents in violation of the Espionage Act and kept them in a box next to his corvette easily accessible to his addicted and now convicted felon son.

I am confused about how they got his meds mixed up. I’m sure we all expected juiced up Joe and instead got the normal bumbling idiot we see all the time. It’s like they gave him downers instead of uppers, and the nonsense that he sounded so weak and raspy was supposedly because he had a cold which magically disappeared after the debate. Today he was here in Raleigh and we got SOTU Magoo which we haven’t seen before or after the SOTU. And then Jill returned to form and acted like the schoolmarm she supposedly is. First I’m sure you have seen the video of her having to help him off the stage and then she condescendingly praised him for “answering all the questions “ WTF was he supposed to do? Ask for a swap out question like on cash cab? She sounded like a elementary school teacher praising a six year old for not shitting himself in class.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on the golf handicap nonsense at the end. Now I was once a 4 handicap and now I haven’t played golf in five years because of my back m but I could still beat Magoo. And in reverting to form Magoo fell back on the equivalent of his push up challenge and said that Trump couldn’t carry his own bag. I wanted so bad for Trump to say Joe you and everyone else knows you couldn’t walk the first hole let alone carry your clubs. Hell you couldn’t even carry your beach chair.

One last thing I almost forgot to mention is something that I should have mentioned previously. I said that Trump should let him speak because there was no way Magoo could be coherent on his own for two minutes and that was proven correct. However what I should also have mentioned is that all the talk about debate preparation was misplaced. Yes you might have been able to beat into him talking points but you forgot that of his 45 minutes almost half would be responding to the points Trump made and you can’t practice that. You have to be fast on your feet and you can’t really practice for what Trump is going to say because he doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He is fast on his feet and glib.

Later tonight I will rant about several very important Supreme Court decisions issued over the past couple days.