I was going to wax eloquently about what Trump should do but it’s pretty much already been covered by everybody. It’s important that he not take the bait which the moderators will throw at him and throw it back to the issues that are important to voters like inflation and crime and the border and when Magoo tries to play down inflation point out that even with his counting is continued to grow and the basket of goods and services that they base official numbers on doesn’t include gas and groceries.

Likewise when Magoo claims that he created 15 million jobs, point out that people you forced out of their jobs because of phony nonsense from Fauci and him. These people returning to their jobs aren’t being created by you. The only jobs he’s created are 88,000 new IRS agents to harass middle and lower income families. The rich are already being audited every year.

When they bring up J6 continuously, Trump needs to say that is not what the voters are interested in. I never encouraged anyone to storm the Capitol and now video shot by her daughter has Pelosi admitting in real time that the breach was her fault. It was supposedly an insurrection of unarmed people — unheard of ever before. And the only person killed was an unarmed veteran who was shot by a rogue cop who you covered for and who has been promoted and I promise you that when I’m elected my DOJ will conduct an honest investigation and if he committed murder he will be prosecuted.

I also hope that he throws back at the moderators that they ask Magoo what he has say about his reason for running in 2020 that he has claimed that Trump said there were good Nazis and white supremacists. It has been proven false from the beginning but Magoo continues to spout it. Will he apologize now that even Snopes has admitted that it false.

And push to have Magoo admit that the laptop is real and his campaign ginned up the bogus letter from 51 unintelligent individuals to cover for him during our last debate. You stood there and bald faced lied to the American people.

The other thing I want Trump to do is to throw the whole race thing in Magoo’s face because it’s important because many who will be watching have never been told that it was the Dems including Magoo that were the party of segregation and Jim Crow and opposed the civil rights act and the voting rights act and Magoo with his mentor Robert Byrd, the grand cyclops of the KKK, and he fought against busing because he didn’t want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle. He championed a crime bill back in the 90’s that effectively incarcerated an entire generation of black men.