First I’m tired of hearing about how Magoo loves his family and particularly Hunter. So what? The Godfather loved his family including Sonny and Michael too but that didn’t make him any less of a crime lord. So why does the left think it’s a big deal. Maybe his concern for Hunter is because he’s the family bagman and he represents the link to the criminality of the Big Guy.

Quickie two. Following on from last night’s rant, I believe that if Trump wins China will attack Taiwan before the end of the year. Or if things appear totally impossible for Magoo, they might attack earlier hoping, foolishly, that it might help Magoo in the election. In any event I believe they will attack while Magoo is in charge of our response which will be feckless.

And now a bonus Quickie. On the Five they were discussing Trump’s promise to not tax tips and my first thought was that he might try to follow through on it but it wouldn’t make it through Congress but then my devious mind said that it wouldn’t have to. He could have his IRS declare that tips are gifts and not income and they really are. You don’t have to tip and if you do it’s a gift.