I am sure some of you have noticed the hypocrisy concerning the ‘science’ by some outspoken pundits. If not let me enlighten you. People like Bill Maher and RFK Jr. are died in the wool, tin foil hat idiots on climate change and following the science even though they can’t point to a single proven scientific equation or formula that supports this total bs. All they have is computer models made up by leftist individuals, I won’t falsely dignify them by calling them scientists, that are developed with a predetermined outcome, COMPUTER MODELS ARE NOT SCIENCE!! They are SWAG — scientific wild assed guesses. And he who develops the model predetermines the outcome. As I have pointed out many times previously, most of the models count the sun’s contribution to our temperatures as zero! That’s crazy!

Now when they stutter about following the science, pivot to Covid. They are both anti Covid vaccine and all the other nonsense like social distancing and masks. But both were presented as the ‘science’ with that demented diminished dwarf, Fauci, declaring that he was the science. So if that’s the science why do you get to decide which science is real and which is not. Are you the super scientist? Of course not because neither of them have anything close to a scientific background.

So start to call them out on their hypocrisy and don’t let them change the subject! Force them to explain their hypocrisy.