First I would like to see Trump do this in his debate with Magoo but that would only give the left the ability to scream that Trump will be a dictator that only wants to crush his enemies.

So what I want to see happen is for a neutral expert like Turley or Dershowitz to come out before the verdict and remind Magoo before he gloats that the statute of limitations has not run on his criminal activities with respect to his illegal possession of classified documents and could easily prosecuted for it after Trump is in office and as I have said previously, it doesn’t have to be in DC. And in my dreams they would also mention that Merchan and Bragg and Fani and the whole cabal are subject to criminal prosecution under 18 USC 242.

J.D. Vance yesterday sent a letter to Garland asking him to investigate Merchan under 18 USC 242 for unconstitutionally gagging Trump in violation of the first amendment.

Once again I am tired of the Republicans pretending they are above the fray. The only thing Dems understand is when they suffer. Make them suffer! Your base will love you for it and screw the bs from the left. Ignore them and do what’s right.