I am sick and tired of Hollywood morons ranting nonsense with no evidence to support their nonsense and de Niro is the retarded mental midget leader of the pack. Now in case you don’t know, he didn’t even graduate from high school making him one of the people who Ricky Gervais referred to in his rant at the Golden Globes (I think) as having spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. His whole life has been reading what other people wrote. Even in his nonsense today, he was reading a script and not very well.

And if to prove he’s a total retard, and yes I said it and it’s a good word and I refuse to abandon it for woke bullshit, I noticed when he got out of his car today that he was wearing a mask! None of his 8 or so bodyguards were. I noticed it immediately but it was mentioned by one person on the Five and since then no one else. He took it off before he got to the podium but it still demonstrates that he’s a retarded moron. No one who has a brain believes, after all the scientific studies to the contrary, that masks are effective against Covid. He’s the definition of a tin foil hat idiot and should go quietly into the dark.

PS I would never use it in referring to a person who was actually mentally handicapped.