Yesterday I heard Hannity on his radio program and he said two things that were contradictory in a very short period of time. First he said in response to a caller that he didn’t want to see our judicial system turn into a tit for tat with a Trump DOJ going after Magoo et al like they went after him. He believes that this would turn us into a banana republic. Apparently he believes that DOJ is some independent arbiter of justice removed from the executive branch. Total nonsense as I have said many times they are an executive department under the president — not independent!

Hannity’s position is one I have ranted against repeatedly. The republicans need to grow a pair and quit pretending they are above politics. All that does is give the Dems carte blanche to run over them without fear of retribution. The only way to level the playing field is to put some of their biggest members in jail and don’t worry about the faux outrage from the left. Do you want to continue to be graceful losers or start winning? Trump should have locked up Hillary and Comey and company and I’m tired of the bogus nonsense that you can’t convict them in DC. In most cases they committed some of their crimes outside of DC and could be tried there. Hillary’s bathtub server was located in Chappaquiddick, New York and the case could have been brought there and even if other venues are not available indict them anyway and bleed them financially dry like they have done to republicans.

Now part two of this rant is that five or ten minutes later in response to another caller he said he would like to see Magoo and Garland and Bragg and Smith and Fani sitting on the side of the table that Trump now occupies. For that to happen, what he just said he didn’t want to see would have to happen. So which is it? Make up your mind. You can’t have it both ways Pollyanna!