It is extremely embarrassing to me and this country every time that Magoo hosts a foreign dignitary. He’s an incoherent mess and sitting there with the dignitary right next to him and has to read off que cards, correction he tries to read off the cards, and everyone sees it. And with the bs from the left that the cards only have a list of media to call on but they don’t have the answers. If that’s true then why does he read from the cards to answer the questions?

Now it’s obvious that some of the dignitaries have a “are you kidding me “ look on their faces. What I really wonder is what the hell goes on when they’re behind closed doors. They can’t interrupt Magoo to correct him. And I’ve got to believe they laugh behind his back and tell the folks back home that the US is being led by a dementia addled moron. I would love to know how they try to protect him in those meetings.