As I discussed with a couple of you last night, people have been asking why Mitch and his cronies have not been adamant in opposing the omnibus atrocity and kicking the can down the road until the republicans take over the house. And btw for those of you who might not know, any pending bills are automatically erased at the end of the session. They don’t carry over. The new Congress must start from scratch. So why does Mitch want to get this debacle through? Because he’s not a Republican, he’s part of the uniparty swamp in Washington and doesn’t want to do his job. He’s scared shitless of having a Republican house actually do their job and forcing him to try to put the crap he wants in without cover.

And then to prove my point, today the idiot said that even with the Dems holding the White House and the senate and the house he got everything he wanted in this bill. Nuff said!