I’m sure you’ve all heard about another assassination attempt on Trump. Given the rhetoric on the left, I don’t think this will be the last. They view and constantly refer to Trump as an existential threat to our country and basically encourage these nutcases.

As I’ve said many times previously, I’m tired of the 24/7 coverage of these things, be they school shootings or attempts to kill Trump. When you have new information then inform me. Until then quit interrupting what I had planned to watch.

Now from what I’ve heard, no shots were actually fired at Trump. The shots were from a Secret Service sharpshooter who saw the rifle barrel poking through the fence and opened fire causing the would be assassin to flee. Thank God. However the question I have is why the would be assassin wasn’t killed. The person who fired the shots clearly knew where the target was based on the rifle barrel. So did he fire warning shots to scare the person off his mission or was he actually a poor shot. I think the answer is the former because of what I heard one former FBI agent say. Namely that the rules of engagement are such now that there is a concern that if he had actually shot the assassin he might have been subject to some kind of action. This is an ongoing issue where cops are afraid to do what’s required because they know they might end up being the one charged.

If the assassin had fired first, he would have been killed as was demonstrated in Butler. We need to change any rules of engagement to say that if someone is pointing a rifle in the direction of a protectee, then lethal force is appropriate.

BTW I think that was also a problem in Butler because I’ve heard that a counter sniper had the shooter in sight but didn’t fire until after the assassin fired first.

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