I am starting this at the first and I believe last break SK is well prepared and lying through her teeth and he is not calling her out on it and more importantly he’s not answering the questions. All he had to do is say that he would veto a national abortion ban, but he didn’t. That was a big mistake. And when he talked about the governor of Virginia, he said West Virginia, but later got it right, and about Tampon Tim and said that they had said they would allow a baby that survived an abortion to be left to die. And she denied it and the female moderator said that was not true and there is no state in country that allows that and Trump didn’t respond as I expected he would by pointing out that TT signed a bill that said medical personnel had no duty to take care of that child. He apparently didn’t do his homework like she did.

Buckle up because this is going to take a while.

Trump spent too much time evading questions and instead fell back on his basic rally talking points and she lied about everything. She said so many times that it is time to ‘turn the page’ that she probably owes royalties to Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, and he never once said the page is yours. He let her get away with the lies about Covid and didn’t say what I put up recently that the lost jobs were due to Dem governors.

When she carried on about his supposed racism, he didn’t say my family never owned slaves!

When she said she would be a stronger president on the world stage and that Trump was a laughing stock on the world stage, he didn’t ask her why there were no wars when he was president and there are two now and China is threatening Taiwan if she’s so strong.

I thought he missed a great opportunity when she said in defending Ukraine that the preeminent basis for international law is the integrity of borders and he didn’t respond that apparently you don’t think that applies to our borders!

She was never held to respond to her flip flops and he didn’t force her to respond.

He did a good job on J6 but didn’t go far enough.

And on the Afghanistan withdrawal he never held her feet to the fire and demand a response to why neither she nor Magoo have ever contacted the families of the 13 soldiers killed during the withdrawal.

I may have more tomorrow but that’s all I can put up extemporaneously without notes.

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