My apologies because I usually pride myself on being able to connect the dots and I haven’t on a point I mentioned last night. I like most people have been treating SK’s prosecutorial career as separate from her national political career. They are not.

I have commented in the past on what it takes to be a good litigator and so won’t repeat it. Suffice it to say that you need to be fast on your feet and capable of processing and responding to information on the fly. If there’s anything we’ve learned about SK, it’s that she can’t do it. Leave her without a teleprompter or notes and she fails open every time.So there’s no way she could have ever been a decent trial attorney. She just doesn’t have the smarts. She was a DEI law student and a DEI vice president. She’s just plain dumb and so it’s clear why she’s hiding from anything approaching a legitimate interview or press conference. She’s doing everything she can to avoid the debate with Trump. She knows she can’t do it.

I came across the article below which agrees with me and the author has real experience in the California criminal justice system. And he doesn’t pull any punches. Enjoy.

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